CallHarbor - Notice history


Web Phone - Operational

Analytics - Operational

Messaging - Operational

Web Interface - Operational


Call Recording - Operational

Provisioning - Operational

Inbound Calling - Operational

Outbound Calling - Operational

Phone Registration - Operational


Call Recording - Operational

Provisioning - Operational

Inbound Calling - Operational

Outbound Calling - Operational

Phone Registration - Operational


Inbound Calling - Operational

Outbound Calling - Operational

Phone Registration - Operational


Inbound Fax - Operational

Outbound Fax - Operational


Provisioning - Operational

Push Notifications - Operational

Calling - Operational

Messaging - Operational

Notice history

Sep 2023

CallHarbor - Detroit, MI - Service Interruption (eFax/Recording/Provisioning)
  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved monitoring over the last month has shown no issues.

  • Update

    We are continuing to see faxes inbound and outbound processing as normal, we are continuing to monitor the eFax services for any impairment. We will provide further updates as we receive them. At this time we are considering eFax services fully operational.

  • Update

    Faxes inbound and outbound are processing as normal, we are continuing to monitor the eFax services for any impairment. We will provide further updates as we receive them.

  • Update

    We are beginning to see faxes process through our eFax services. We will provide further updates as we receive them.

  • Identified

    eFax services restoration is still underway. Strong progress has been made towards full restoration. We will provide further updates as we receive them.

  • Update

    Recording and provisioning services are operating fully out of our other points of presence and we are seeing no issues with provisioning or recording at this time. Our engineers are continuing work on eFax services and will be providing updates where possible. We are currently experiencing an outage to our eFax platform due to a database corruption error, our engineers are working on restoring the database as fast as possible from backups.

  • Update

    We are continuing to investigate this incident. All services are still functional outside of our Detroit, MI point of presence. We will provide further updates as we receive them.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating an issue impacting accessibility to our eFax, recording, and provisioning services out of Detroit, MI. No impact to services outside of Detroit, MI is impacted, and calls are functioning as normal.

Aug 2023

No notices reported this month

Jul 2023 to Sep 2023
