CallHarbor - Notice history

Manager Portal


Web Phone - Operational

Analytics - Operational

Messaging - Operational

Web Interface - Operational

Detroit, MI - Point of Presence


Call Recording - Operational

Provisioning - Operational

Inbound Calling - Operational

Outbound Calling - Operational

Phone Registration - Operational

Atlanta, GA - Point of Presence


Call Recording - Operational

Provisioning - Operational

Inbound Calling - Operational

Outbound Calling - Operational

Phone Registration - Operational

Phoenix, AZ - Point of Presence


Inbound Calling - Operational

Outbound Calling - Operational

Phone Registration - Operational



Inbound Fax - Operational

Outbound Fax - Operational

CallHarborUC (Mobile App)


Provisioning - Operational

Push Notifications - Operational

Calling - Operational

Messaging - Operational

RingGenius Platform - Operational

Notice history

Dec 2017

No notices reported this month

Nov 2017

Comcast Circuit Issues
  • Resolved

    Update #4: We are still seeing networks perform normally after the last update. We are considering this Comcast incident resolved at this time.

  • Monitoring

    Update #3: We are seeing Comcast circuits restoring to normal. We will provide another update once we are certain that this outage is fully resolved.

  • Monitoring

    Update #2: We are still seeing Comcast experiencing issues nationwide.

  • Monitoring

    Update #1: This does appear to be a nationwide issue for Comcast at this time.

  • Monitoring

    We are reciving many tickets and calls relating to Comcast circuits in the area. It appears that Comcast is having an issue with their core network. We suggest reaching out to Comcast to determine the extent of the outage and plan for resolution. We are certain however that Comcast is aware of the issue as it is affecting a large portion of our customers. If you would like to forward calls in the meantime until the Comcast issue is resolved please let us know by reaching out via and we will have the forward setup under your account. Our systems and services are fully online and functioning properly at this time, calls are passing normally for customers not on a Comcast circuits.

Oct 2017 to Dec 2017
