CallHarbor - CallHarbor - Atlanta, GA - Upstream Network Outage – Incident details

CallHarbor - Atlanta, GA - Upstream Network Outage

Major outage
Started over 6 years agoLasted about 5 hours
  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Monitoring

    Services have been fully restored, we are now monitoring to ensure all services remain functional. You will not receive any further notices unless a new issue is discovered or observed.

  • Identified

    An issue has been identified impacting our Atlanta, GA services. Customers connected to the Atlanta, GA core will automatically failover to our Southfield, MI core. If you are a partner you may need to manually failover your phones if they are not configured through our automatic provisioning server. Direct CallHarbor customers do not need to perform any work, and will automatically failover. --- There is currently a network outage at our Atlanta, GA datacenter that is upstream from our network. The technicians at the datacenter are working towards resolution. As updates arrive they will be listed on our status page. If you are without service or need assistance please contact our support line at 313.263.3663 or email